Autism Intervention

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder of ASD?
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological condition that affects the brain in its ability to understand and learn from everyday encounter. It is a developmental condition that affects how the child:
• Learns to communicate and interact with the world at large.
• Learn from people and things around him.
• Grow through experience.
• Interprets the sensory information that comes to the body.

Autism is NOT caused by wilfulness in the child or inadequate parenting. It is not a behaviour problem although it can lead to behaviour problems.

What are the skills commonly affected in ASD?
Skills that may be affected are Attention, Imitation, communication, play skills, Social skills, Self-help skills, behaviour and deficits with developing, maintaining and understanding relationships. Children with ASD may also exhibit difficulty with modulating or perceiving sensory input.

DSM-5 also gives three levels of severity: requiring support, requiring substantial support and requiring very substantial support.

What do the Autism Intervention Therapist do?
At HOPE, the Autism Intervention trained therapist conduct a detailed assessment based on parent interview, unstructured and structured observation and special test. Family centred goals are formed and a treatment plan is formed using various approached best suited for the child, focusing on building attention, communication, imitation, play and social skills.

What does the Autism Intervention program entail?
At HOPE, we provide a holistic development opportunity for the child by incorporating a multi-disciplinary approach that include Autism Intervention, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Special Education.

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