Early Intervention

What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention refers to therapy services provided to young children between the ages 0 to 3 year with developmental delays.

Why choose Early Intervention?
Therapy services provided to a child between ages 0 to 3 years has the potential to stop/limit abnormal postures or movement pattern and assist with global development of the child. As the infants brain continues to develop in the first few months after birth, new connections can be formed by providing the infant with age appropriate motor and sensory experiences.

Which Children require Early Intervention?
Children who require Early Intervention are:
Children born with a congenital defect. (e.g. Syndromes affecting global development)
High Risk infants.( i.e. Mother had difficulty during pregnancy, complications during delivery or difficulty soon after birth)
Children with developmental delay. e.g. Difficulty with holding head beyond 5 months, or difficulty with sitting beyond 6 months or excessive crying.

At HOPE, the Early Intervention therapist will identify delays in development in different fields that include gross motor, fine motor, sensory, speech/ language and cognition through unstructured observation. The therapist performs structured test that include The Developmental Assessment Scale for Indian Infants (DASII) which remains the mainstay screening tool for developing infants and toddlers in India. Based on a thorough examination family centred and age appropriate goals are established and treatment strategies and home programs are formed.

Early Intervention

Early Intervention

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