Online Telehealth Physio Consultation

Telehealth can help patients in isolated locations receive necessary care, provide patients with more convenient access to care, allow for more comprehensive delivery of services after-hours and allow for the more efficient use of health resources.

First, you’ll need to book a time for your appointment. You can do this by calling us on 9527925219 or by emailing us on You are eligible if this is the first time you’ve had an appointment at HOPE Physiotherapy Clinic, if you’ve attended before but are wanting a consultation for a new issue OR you haven’t been to the clinic in over 6 months, if you have had an appointment with us before (either online or in person) and are wanting a follow up for the same issue. You will need to scan or send a photo of any investigations done and of medical records via email two days prior to booking and appointment Once your appointment has been made make sure you have your computer, laptop, tablet or phone at the ready when it comes to the time of your appointment. At the time that your appointment is scheduled to start we will send you an e-mail with a link for you to join the consolation. Follow the instructions from the e-mail for your consultation to begin.

As long as your device has access to a microphone and camera, that’s all you need! You will receive an email confirmation at the time of booking your appointment. This email will have a link to access your appointment at the time of consult. Simply click the link when the time comes and follow the prompts – simple. This link will also be accessible in a reminder email you should receive 2 days before your scheduled appointment! If you have issues with receiving/accessing this link, give us a call and we can manually send the link to you via email. For the consultation itself, make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothing and if you have any exercise equipment at home you might want to have that close by. Where possible try to set yourself up in a well-lit room without other noises for the best quality video and audio transmission. Please be ready and on standby 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time of your appointment to ensure things are running smoothly by the time your appointment is due to start.

Initially we’ll start the consultation as we would any consultation. We’ll ask you some questions to help us get a thorough idea of what might be causing your problem. Diagnosis is the cornerstone of good management and this can be done with an in-depth subjective assessment. With online telehealth consultations we’ll be able to perform a thorough diagnosis. The video link allows us to assess movements remotely to help establish what might be contributing to your symptoms. After we’ve performed our assessment we’ll be able to discuss our findings with you and let you know what the most likely problem may be, from there we’ll be able to advise you what can be done to ease your symptoms

The idea of an online physiotherapy consultation is used extensively to reach people in remote and rural regions where they may have less access to quality healthcare. There is a large evidence-base and experience amongst healthcare professionals on how to conduct effective management and advice over an online consultation. This research also shows that online physiotherapy can produce comparable results to physiotherapy treatment received in the clinic. There is a lot of we can do via telehealth. You can receive clinically effective treatment for many neuromusculoskeletal conditions without the need for manual therapy (e.g. hands on treatment like massage, joint mobilisation). We can guide you in performing some of these manual therapy techniques yourself through various exercises. Longer term change is made through rehabilitation programs, exercises and self-management strategies that encourage you to take an active role in your own rehabilitation. Such as following advice on what you can do when sitting at work or home to minimise your pain. However, there are limits to what can be achieved in virtual consults, so if you are well and the clinic is accessible we do prefer that you come into the clinic for treatment. If you are unsure, this can be discussed over the phone or via email or during an initial online telehealth consultation.

Yes, we’ll be able to discuss how your condition has been progressing and upgrade or modify your rehab program based on this. Through the video link we’ll be able to observe how you’ve been performing your exercises and make any modifications, adjustments and progressions. Through an online telehealth consultation, we’ll have the ability to monitor symptoms and fine tune your rehab to keep your recovery optimal!

Initial online telehealth consults will cost Rs. 750 for 45 min and follow-ups will cost Rs. 600 for 30mins. There are two main payment methods that you can use:

  1. Google pay at the time of consultation.

  2. Bank Transfer (in this case we require you email us the payment reference number and date/time of your payment).

Call Us For Your Any Query

9527925219 / 9545186110 / 7796915110


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